Cat With Missing Paws Loves To Snuggle With His Foster Mom

Not everyone believes in lightning love, but it’s the only thing that can describe the instant bond between this cat and the woman who saved it.

Sara Rivers, a 25-year-old counselor at the Animal Care & Control Team of Philadelphia (ACCT Philly), the Philadelphia area’s largest animal shelter, went to work as usual a few months ago. , when her boss informed her of a 6-month-old cat undergoing urgent sᴜʀɢᴇʀʏ.

She still remembers her first encounter with the cat that would later be affectionately called Nubbies. Rivers said, “I went back to the operating room and as soon as I saw him, I knew I wanted to be his foster caretaker.” Immediately reached out to my friends at The Philly Kitty to tell him. I told them about this ʜᴏʀʀɪʙʟᴇ  scene and without hesitation they told me I could bring the cat home that same day.


Nubbies was shocked when the cat lost both paws on his right leg.

The shelter’s veterinary staff suspected that Nubbies had suffered some sort of trauma and was finding it difficult to heal on her own, although it’s unclear exactly what happened to the cat. Paramedics quickly gave Nubbies painkillers and antibiotics, but he had a long way to go. From there, Rivers stepped up, not only as the Nubbies’ nurturer but as his strongest advocate.


Nubbies’ status would be difficult for most animals, but it’s especially difficult for Nubbies because of his energetic and attention-loving personality.

But he’s resilient and can stay emotional, even when he’s uncomfortable. “Another cute thing that I love about Nubbies is the time we spend with him after he’s ‘soaked,’’ Rivers said. “We had to dip her nipples in a small pot, then let her air dry before putting her back in her crib. Even when he dipped his feet in the water or when they were drenched, which I’m sure not very pleasant, we still heard him growl like a machine.”

“His right front foot is now bandaged and his right hind leg ᴀᴍᴘᴜᴛᴀᴛᴇᴅ, so he’s learning to walk on three legs,” Rivers said. “Once we can remove the bandages, we’ll be able to see how he adjusts.”

If Nubbies can’t walk or function properly on three legs, Philly Kitty will consider having him fitted with a prosthetic leg.

However, he didn’t let this stop him from walking.

Rivers said that while Nubbies couldn’t do much because of his cast and injuries, he LOVED eating. “He also loves to be pampered with hugs and cuddles,” she said.

Despite his injuries, Rivers quickly fell in love with the Nubbies. “I said I would never raise another failed cat, but if Nubbies continues to prove it will be the perfect addition to our family, I may have to go against it .”

According to Rivers, Nubbies are just one of many special needs cats around the world, many of which are put up for adoption because they’re considered “expensive.” “A lot of people think that cats in need of medical care are not worth saving because of the increasing number of cats,” says Rivers. “That’s not to say special needs cats don’t deserve good, loving homes.”

She said: “There is a silly stigma around cats that makes them seem like independent and ungrateful animals. “But if you’ve ever saved a special needs cat, you’ll quickly learn that cats are truly one of the most empathetic, loving, and gentle animals.”

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