These Two Stray Puppies Were Just Rescued, And They Refuse To Stop Hugging Each Other

When I first saw pictures of these two puppies on social media, I couldn’t get them out of my mind. There’s something about seeing the bigger one hold his little friend that’s both adorable, but also makes you pray that they’ve got someone looking out for them.

Two stray puppies have recently been adopted by Buddhist nuns in a pagoda in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Though the bigger pup still looks too tiny and helpless to even take care of himself, he keeps on holding his younger friend dearly in protection.

One can’t help but wonder what the two have experienced in the streets before being taken in the temple that has made them look so scared and vulnerable. Luckily, the two are in good hands now. They’re getting used to their new home and even trying to learn meditation from the nuns. Just look at that Zen pose! Everything will be alright. Even so, one thing is for sure now, they are definitely happy to still have each other in their forever home.

These two stray dogs had each other when they were in trouble, wandering in the streets of Ho Chi Minh.

Everyone ignored them until Buddhist nuns saw them and decided to take the pups to their temple

The bigger pooch kept on holding his younger friend dearly in protection.

One can’t help but wonder what the two have experienced in the streets. But now with every day, the two nuggets are becoming more confident

They have a home now, and they made it through together. And with every day the bigger pup is getting more and more relaxed. Because he knows that now he has someone to hold his paw, too




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