When A Cat Who Couldn’t Walk Met A Kitten That Looked Exactly Like Him, He Fell In Love!

No one really knows how the 6-week-old kitten ended up lying on the side of the road in Tennessee. Whatever happened, the kitten, later named Jesse, was paralyzed from the waist down.

Luckily, a man found Jesse, picked him up, and took him to the Chattanooga Cat Clinic.

At the clinic, the vet team examined Jesse and discovered he had a serious spinal injury. He will never be able to use his hind legs again, but veterinarians still think he will have a good life.

Jennifer Allen, assistant director and veterinary technician at the Cat Clinic of Chattanooga, told The Dodo: “He was happy and able to feed himself. “He’s not hurt at all.” Initially, the clinic staff intended to find Jesse a permanent home, but the staff quickly realized that it would make sense for him to stay in the clinic. After all, Jesse needed physical therapy sessions, acupuncture, and medication for asthma and heart disease, and it was easy for Jesse to get the care he needed in the clinic itself.

Besides, the clinic staff fell in love with Jesse, especially Allen. “I was really, really engaged and engaged,” Allen said. “But he loved everyone and he made a lot of people laugh and laugh, and it was a fun day at work because he was there. He became our little mascot.”

Then, last year, Jesse met his soul mate – another special needs kitten named Willie.

“A woman called us and said she had a paralyzed kitten that someone had put in a box and left on her porch,” Allen said.

The woman didn’t seem to know about Jesse, so she had the surprise of her life when she met him.

That quickly changed. “It took less than a week, but Willie started to feel warm towards Jesse and started sitting on Jesse’s bed with him,” Allen said.

“I caught them struggling and huddled together all the time,” Allen said. “Both love to play inside boxes, or the kind of bed they can get inside. They also love playing with ping-pong balls. Both chase ping-pong balls around the clinic. Both just dragging my little ass.”

According to Allen, they also like to beg.

Allen said Jesse took on the role of eldest brother with Willie, and he was helping Willie gain confidence.

“When it first came to us, Willie was scared and a little reserved,” Allen said. “He just wanted to be carried. Now he hates being carried because he’s so busy with all his daily activities.”

Jesse also helps other cats or kittens get to the clinic, and Willie learned to do the same. The most recent arrival is Layla, a kitten found in the parking lot and is staying at the clinic until it finds a home.

“As soon as she got there, Willie and Jesse said, ‘Hey, do you want to play? This is a really fun place. Let me show you all our toys,'” Allen said.

Jesse and Willie do the same with everyone.

“Jesse is also very sympathetic when people here are sad,” Allen said. “I’ve seen him meow outside the exam room door because he can hear people in the room crying or upset. Willie has never done that, but he also seems to have compassion and will. approaching people when they’re out of the room to make them feel better. It’s heartwarming to see someone upset over their cat, but they walk out with smiles on their faces after seeing both Jesse and Willie How resilient and happy they are.”

Now Jesse and Willie are inseparable, and they live every day to the fullest while together.

“I know they probably won’t live to 15, but we want them to be happy and healthy as long as we can keep them that way,” Allen said.

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