The forester took pity on the hungry female wolf and two months later the three wolves thanked him

On a cold winter day, a forester met a female wolf, who was on the verge of complete exhaustion. In the forest in winter, finding food turns into a real test, and the unfortunate animal, which was already desperate, realized that there was nothing to lose and approached the lodge.

At first, the forester named Styopa was frightened, and then he nevertheless took pity on the wolf and gave her some meat to eat. He knew better than anyone else, how hard it is to find food in the forest in winter.

The wolf returned a few more times, and the locals were concerned when they learnt that Stepan had opted to feed the animal. They were concerned that she might take their animals, but an expert forester cautioned that if the animal stayed hungry, it would become harmful not just for the livestock, but also for the residents of adjacent communities.
The wolf ceased appearing with the arrival of spring, but the forester was already accustomed to her. There was already plenty of food with the arrival of the warm season. People in the villages calmed down, but the forester was upset since he had already grown close to his companion.

However, by the end of April, the wolf ran to visit him once more, we note that this time she did not appear alone, but grabbed her cubs. The forester realized that not only she ate meat, but also fed her wolf cubs. Gratitude was visible in the eyes of the predators, and he did not see his forest wolf frfiend again.

More infor:
For thousands of years, wolves have captured humanity’s imagination. While they may not be as large as lions or bears, wolves still fill people with fear. These sociable animals hunt in packs and are capable of bringing down prey much heavier than them. Their territory can spread over hundreds of miles, and packs can include up to 20 adult members.
Himalayan wolves roam throughout the Himalayas, the Tibetan Plateau, and the highlands of Central Asia. They are adapted to live at high elevations, unlike most wolves that prefer lower, more oxygen-rich environments. While the Himalayan wolf’s taxonomy is up to debate, some biologists argue that it is a distinct subspecies.

Wolves can be found worldwide, from the tundra of Siberia to the wild interior of Alaska. There are more than 30 known subspecies of wolves, but which one is the largest? Measurements of their length, height, and weight allow biologists to get a sense of how big different subspecies can get.

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