The Dog Survived Three Mᴜʀᴅᴇʀs In The Home And Crawled Out The Window Onto The Roof.

Chicago Animal Care & Control planned to put an eight-year-old dog to sleep that defied the odds that were almost unfathomable. Topper was discovered straying on the roof of a building after a series of truly gruesome events, and he eventually found his way to the shelter. Four members of the Topper family were killed, one of which committed suicide.

As Topper must be lifted to safety from the roof of a dilapidated house by a crane, a devoted dog is traumatized by the gruesome Mᴜʀᴅᴇʀs of the only people he has ever known his rescue has captured attracted wide media attention. Only Topper survived, and he was found guarding the tortured ghosts and rotting walls of the house from its top.

He had completely lost his universe in a single moment. He’s charming, kind, and gentle. Since the CACC is already operating at full capacity, more adoptive parents and adopters are needed to save more lives.

Six months after staying at the shelter, TOPPER learned what love is from the staff. Although it loves to be cuddled, it has become very attached to its home and refuses to leave. He has been at the shelter for too long and has become too devoted to his volunteer career, according to shelter authorities. If adopted, it will have to be the only dog in the house.

A pleasant, quiet, intelligent and inquisitive dog that loves agility and food puzzles is TOPPER. He runs, jumps and bounces with excitement and enthusiasm. On the other hand, the beautiful reality called Love was filling his heart; all he needs right now is a HOUSE where it can grow.

Please share this distress information with your social media contacts, friends, family and authorized rescue organizations. In fact, sharing can save lives.


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