She’s Fed Up With Her Dog Being Called “Uɢʟʏ” And Showing Her Inner Beauty, Going Viral.

It is terrible that some people have used derogatory words to condemn others, because no one has the right to demean others based on their physical characteristics, and this does not only apply to humans but also for everything. Animals are also included.

All beings, no matter how different they are, must be accepted for who they are. However, some people do not understand this and become obsessed with judging the appearance of the coat under specific conditions, despite the fact that they were not born that way.

Alan, a handsome one-year-old boxer and MMA fighter, born with a genetic condition that causes his nose to be crooked and tilted to the right when he closes it, is a poodle owned by Johanna Handley , 41 years old, of Godalming, England, found abandoned in Doha, Qatar.

“Puppies can say whatever they want,” says Johanna, “but Alan is our dog, and we know he is beautiful and truly special.”

Johana was so tired of her pet dog being considered ugly, she decided to create a social media account to combat the negative comments. Alan, and fortunately, the results were amazing.

Johanna created the account Alan the Wonky Dog, which roughly translates to “Alan the belligerent dog,” to respond directly to people criticizing her pet.

Johanna revealed: “I received a lot of harsh criticism about Alan’s appearance. “Some people promised me they would send me money for surgery and facial rehabilitation, but there was no way.”

Alan has more than 141,000 followers on social media and over a million “likes” on his posts, making him one of the most popular.

Johanna’s goal is to show how great her dog is on the inside, despite its outer appearance. She encourages people to accept and adopt rescued dogs with special needs because they are wonderful creatures that deserve to live lives filled with love and care.

“I had the vet evaluated for sᴜʀɢᴇʀʏ because I was concerned about her future and potential breathing problems, and the vet told me she was perfectly fine.”

His nose and jaw were ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ and had to be repaired. That would be terrible anguish for anything beautiful. “It makes no sense to make him do it,” Johana commented.

Johana has resisted attacks on her pets with incredible courage and compassion.

Since she created the account, her comments and messages have been mostly positive. “He was loved by everyone,” Johana said.

Johana is relieved that she was able to save him.

Alan’s experience is truly poignant; Help his mom spread the word about adopting these unusual puppies by sharing it.


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