She sings to her cat when he ᴅɪᴇs, but their special bond lives on!

It is true to say that cats do become part of the family, so when they pass away their loss is never something that can be easily resolved.

Bailey – star of the hit book ‘Bailey, There’s No Normal Cat’, was 14 years old when he suffered kidney failure and went through a rainbow. He is a huge part of his human family and loves his sisters as much as they do to him. We see the moment when one of the sisters, Abby, sings to Bailey in the last moments of her life, the song she has been singing to him since she could speak and sing.

It almost broke my heart and brought back tearful memories of when my 20-year-old kitten passed away.

Abby is only 4 years old and the two have had a close relationship since she was born, all her happy memories filled with Bailey.

It’s sad when you realize that this is their last moment together, at least they both share this special moment, determined to make every minute more valuable.

I think Bailey knows what’s going on and is very happy to be in the arms of someone he cares deeply about.

And then six months later, something extraordinary happened, which was not expected but it seemed like the right time for them to open their hearts and welcome another person into their family, who by the way have four legs.

How special is the relationship between Bailey and all the girls, and we meet the newest member of their family, “A Cat Named Carrot”

It’s heartwarming to see the close relationships these girls have formed with both of their cats. And how lucky they are to have Carrot in their lives, I’m sure Bailey will approve.

Erin, the girls’ mother, didn’t intend for Carrot to go down the same path as Bailey but I guess it just did. Little did we know that six months after he passed away, Abby and her sister Hannah would be surprised with a kitten they immediately named ‘Carrot’, which I think is the name, Erin said: ” very funny, I thought I would have another cat like Bailey.”

I worry the girls will be disappointed because the kittens don’t want to do the things Bailey did. I even warned them for months, if we ever get a cat back, it probably won’t do all the things Bailey did.

She is right that female cats are rare and from my experience I have found that most ginger cats are very loving with their humans.

And they are always good companions with children, which is something to think about if you have young children and are thinking of adopting a cat.


” I feel my prayers have been answered. I don’t believe in reincarnation but many people believe that Bailey has returned as Carrot.

I believed in prayers and he answered me. Carrots heal our broken hearts. We were heartbroken when we lost Bailey,” Erin said.

I believe that Carrot and the girls will have a wonderful life together and Bailey will always be in their hearts.


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