Meet Madame Eyebrows, the world’s saddest looking dog to whom nothing seems to entertain – Dogs Stories

Does everyone know how adorable puppy dog eyes are but have you ever swooned over a puppy dog’s eyebrows? With her lovely features and expressive “eyebrows,” this English bulldog is beyond cute.

Madam Eyebrows is an English Bulldog who lives in Germany. She was born with two spots above her eyes that give her the appearance of eyebrows. The funniest part is that her huge brows make her look ‘in the mood.’

Fans of sour-mood-looᴋɪɴɢ pets are familiar with the viral sensation, Grumpy Cat. Well, the canine version might just be Madam Eyebrows, the dog that always looks like she is in a bad mood. She has ᴅᴀʀᴋ markings just above her eyes that tend to look a little like eyebrows positioned in sort of a frowny face.

In 2014, her photos appeared on social media with the name Tea. She was four years old at the time. However, her owners accepted that their dog nickname was better and they gave up. Janina, her owner knew from the very beginning that their dog would be different as the fur around her eyes darkened.

The result is that Madam Eyebrows has something of a “resting bad mood face” that has caused her to become a ʙɪᴛ of an internet sensation in her own right. Watch out Grumpy Cat!
“She always looked sad and had eyebrows,” Janina told us
However, the owner claimed she is a happy, friendly, and polite dog. She is energetic and kind to others. It’s just that she doesn’t appear to be, which can be rather funny.

“In real life, you have to see her only a few minutes and you see that she is happy,” Janina said. “We don’t see only her sad face. We see how funny she is! And how much love she gives to us.”
“She is very happy,” the owner said. “She wiggles her tail, gives kissed.”

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