Heartbreaking, Helpless Puppy Won’t Leave His dying Mother – Loyal Puppy

This tale talks will certainly damage your heart into little items, since the grieving of a son whose mother ᴅ.ᴇ.ᴀ.ᴅ claims it all!

Poor homeless puppy and his dying mother found at Noi district market, Thailand.

Kookie woke up Kaye de Luna, the proprietor, as well as her household, on Monday early morning by barking loudly to inform them of the ᴅ.ᴇ.ᴀ.ᴅ mother dog. They won’t leave away from each other. His mother was too sick to walk or eat, and her blood was fading.
PoorpetRescuse’s rescue team intervened and immediately transported them to their clinic.

After being examined, the doctor said that the red blood cells was little low of blood platelets and blood cell pathology. Doctors were working hard to care for this puppy because he was losing a lot of .bl.ood.

Heartbreaking moment when the dog protects the body of one of her puppies, while the owner strokes her head in an attempt to relieve the pain. The owner is there by his grieving dog and comforting her.

He even manages to convince his dog to let go of the puppy and holds it in his hand while consoling the dog. But even though he may have succeeded a few times, the dog continued to insist on being with her puppies


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