Crayfish From The Clear Lagoon Waters Of The Great Barrier Reef

Nature never runs out of surprises. In fact, it is full of absolutely breathtaking creatures. The tropical rock lobster, also identified as Panulirus ornatus, is one such striking ocean creature that has been bred in captivity successfully.


Panulirus ornatus (also known as tropical rock lobster, ornate rock lobster, ornate spiny lobster, and ornate tropical rock lobster) is a big edible spiny lobster that has been successfully raised in captivity. Panulirus ornatus is found across the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea and KwaZulu-Natal in the west to Japan and Fiji in the east. These lobsters may be found at modest depths of up to 50 meters.

The lobster is netted or speared in much of its range, although a commercial fishery has operated in Northeast Australia since 1966, and the species’ harvesting is managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.] The species currently exists in the Mediterranean as a migrant through the Suez Canal. The food of P. ornatus includes a wide range of invertebrates, from bivalves to gastropods and even other tiny crustaceans.


Carotenoids provide energy as well as other physiological benefits to these lobsters, including reproductive success, post-larval development, antioxidants, and even stress tolerance. When growing in an aquaculture environment, many of these lobster species rely on crustacean feeds. Carotenoids, notably astaxanthin, are a common component in these meals. Many diets also contain nutrients derived from blue and green-lipped mussels, however, studies have shown that the carotenoid levels provided by these feeds alone are insufficient for lobster growth.

Panulirus ornatus migrates from the Torres Strait to Yule Island in the Gulf of Papua to reproduce every year. Ovarian development, ma.ting, and early oviposition occur during migration, which occurs in mid to late August. Larval release happens when the Panulirus ornatus population completes its migration and lands on the reefs of the Gulf of Papua’s eastern shore. Panulirus ornatus has a mating season that lasts from November through March or April. After migrating to the Gulf of Papua, the sexes separate according to water depth. Males swim in shallower water, while females swim in deeper water until the eggs hatch.



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